Well this news is already more than two weeks old, but here it is nonetheless!
January 19th, 2011 marked my one year anniversary (second birthday) of my transplant, and I got a pretty clean bill of health. Some of my blood counts are still a bit low (namely red blood cells, making me rather anemic – stairs still do me in), but that’s to be expected with the pills I’m taking. But otherwise, health is returning.
Because of this, the doctors have started cutting my meds. Since two weeks ago, I have completely weaned off prednisone! No more staying up all night (at least not on purpose)! No more random mood swings (and no comments from the peanut gallery)! No more shaky hands and blurry vision (unless I’m really scared and squint a lot)! So that’s exciting.
Also, in another month or so, if I’m still doing well, they will start cutting my photo more, and maybe within 3 to 6 months (hopefully closer to 3) I’ll be done. After that, they’ll take me off prograf, which is the immune suppressant, and once I’m off that I pretty much come off all the other meds I’m taking, as they are all just support antibiotics to fake having an immune system.
However right now there are some changes to the medications I take. First I am replacing folic acid with a multi-vitamin, and second I’m coming off Noxafil in three days! Noxafil is that nasty white stuff I have to take with every meal that tastes like acidic bubble gum. So anyhow, that’s all the news that fit to digitally encode. More soon!