I want to do some hardcore Mr Ed fan fiction. 50 Shades of Hay.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I want to do some hardcore Mr Ed fan fiction. 50 Shades of Hay.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Research is underrated. I’d back that up, but…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
“You got a lotta nerves coming back here.” - slogan for a paranoia treatment center #iwish
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
You know what I think? Nah, me neither.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Andy and I will be on TalkShow TalkShow tonight! t.co/rVllyb63e…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Twitter’s feature that notifies you when someone else favorites another person’s tweet is terrible. “Look, someone’s popular! It’s not you!”
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Who is the farest of of them all? No one’s talking about that. t.co/dPrThZ2bH…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
7 Horrors of Ferguson Policing (Made Less Awful With Farts) | t.co/34ycJLyBb… t.co/7dk94Qq48…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I just climbed 6 flights of stairs. I shouldn’t feel like this much death.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
“We all shit in the same place now. Someone will have to get rid of it. Not it!” - Everyone except the first sanitation worker #quotes
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Little jack Horner, lived on the corner, smoking his curds and whey… that’s how it goes, right?
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I got shivers just looking at the pictures. From beauty and terror t.co/eGDjLk4wC…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Chinese Movie Theaters Displaying Audience Texts On Screen | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source t.co/yJCTIkliB…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I just bought the 5th Edition D&D Player’s Handbook. I’m very excited. t.co/SpPg9bJSZ…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
This is actually pretty funny t.co/jk55sENfr…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
RT @TKav: @DavidBlue t.co/3o03hayIl…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Well said, and scary. t.co/dApIIJEsL…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Hey Missouri, here’s another idea: sanity. t.co/o71sTVynz… #Ferguson
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Adam Carolla settles with patent troll t.co/0wSuU8VXv…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Ferguson, MO and Police Militarizati…: t.co/l7EgiPpHP… via @YouTube
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Speed 3 should be about Keanue Reeves taking speed and constantly running, or else he’ll have to answer for being on speed. #movies
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Amy Poehler on Why Great People Do Things before They’re Ready t.co/x9ajQiu1c…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>