2014 category

@RunicGames when is Torchlight 2 coming out for Mac! It’s been sooooooo long!

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

If you like movies, structures, and the incongruities between the two, you’ll like this. t.co/6W22H0fu7…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

You know you’re out of shape when you get tired hearing old cliche’s, like, “I’ve been around the block a few times.”

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

If you like movies, structures, and the incongruities between the two, you’ll like this. t.co/Zgva7DTT1…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

I am published on The Daily Meal! t.co/eyMRT089X…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

“It’s time to get eel.” - The Feastie Boys #quotes

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

I recently discovered what headcannon is, and it’s silly. The #xkcd: t.co/qOtZsFwmK… The thing: t.co/h7zYvM49J… @n_o_moore

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Does anyone else get nostalgic for the future of the past? #BladeRunner #StarWars #Alien #Jetsons #2001 #Metropolis

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Bill Clinton Swag dot com is amazing. Pick 4 albums and get a image of Bill listening to them! Thanks to @Solari2600

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Awesome article about how movies can become bad. t.co/o7aEvfP5c…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Bamboozle is probably my favorite word. It’s like a loud, sudden, boozle.

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Why do people talk about fictional characters as if their abilities are real? Sherlock Holmes can’t be the best detective who ever lived.

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Study: Infants Can Smell Mothers’ Fears | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

The phrase “Barry rides again,” is a triumphant return. However, “Barry rides, again,” let’s us know that Barry needs to stop fucking riding, already. #grammar

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

I’m pretty sure this is a serious link. It’s someone arguing that the Beatles were Astronauts. t.co/k4tQfTnvj… #Beatles #Conspiracy

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

101 Damnation’s #DogMovies #humanmovies

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Apocalypse Bow-wow #DogMovies

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Moist #DogMovies

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Heelraiser #DogMovies

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Puppies Take Manhattan #DogMovies

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

I want better conspiracy theories. Here’s one: The Illuminati hired aliens to fake the moon landing, enraging Big Foot to shoot JFK. #yes

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Several weeks ago, I bought Super #Castlevania from @Solari2600. I still haven’t beat the first level. #OldGamesAreHard #IAmNotGreatAtGames

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

A wolf in sheep’s clothing is not that bad. A wolf in clown clothing, now that’s the stuff of nightmares.

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>