2015 category

Yep t.co/ZePP6TJJM…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

RT @mani_art: some serious functional testing badassery courtesy of @chrisjohndeluca #fb t.co/l6j8zm0LY…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Men who harass women online are quite literally losers, new study finds - The Washington Post t.co/j5DrT4gCM…

Original post: twitter

I found this… t.co/phnuxYOl5…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Woody Allen noir - The Whore of Mensa - The New Yorker t.co/7GbaBIBLd…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Greece’s Economy Is a Lesson for Republicans in the U.S. - t.co/NFKTBULAp… t.co/QshpxZJpi…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

God damn it #USA. Data on 7% of Americans Was Just Hacked, Now What? t.co/UGN2ON1wK…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Crowdsourcing is weird t.co/inNl8s7w6…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

So did anyone know that MLKs estate sued the government for conspiracy to nurse him, and won? I didn’t t.co/t6caRtVO0…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

BAM! t.co/WPlRXTQut…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

This story gets better and better t.co/PFJpZKHZx…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Funny, but painful @mani_art t.co/jr1v32cV2…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Major hack in the wild right now. Disable flash! t.co/DNSAkpPgl…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Is this another Frank Gehry building, or is it just weird? @mani_art t.co/k93Vj4Wob…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

It’s pretty cool t.co/k8Lje59dd…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

RT @JuddApatow: The people fighting same sex marriage seem so sad and afraid. Just live your life. Leave everyone else alone. t.c

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Ha! Awesome t.co/dm8v1IZaL…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

RT @TheOnion: In The News: t.co/tHLyEslUz… t.co/NWmqkhxQm…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

If only to make my job easier, if you use a Mac, please use any other browser | Safari is the new IE t.co/UVoTYB9Kh…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Glad that the Clown Party is running someone again this year t.co/6XXjKy2xj…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

With Same-Sex Decision, Evangelical Churches Address New Reality - t.co/RtbT14QMg… t.co/NIUmZGZcz…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

365 Days of Pixel Art t.co/xSEDnbP9M…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Let me hear a woohoo for civil rights! t.co/d2gLfo7Un…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

@CBBWYR Instantly know the answer to any question, but milk shoots out your nose when you do, or you always have to shit with someone else.

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>

Now I just want to see the original, unrestored version. t.co/LL1ozDRCi…

Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>