RT @nytimes: “I know we would be upset as Republicans if the Obama administration had done this,” Lindsey Graham said t.co/TaTuitHL…
2017 category
RT @JudahWorldChamp: Reminder that elected officials took an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Co…
RT @GeorgeTakei: This sums it up well. t.co/YQMWNV8D5…
#javascript knows the deal @mani_art #fucktrump t.co/0EXFrKIPN…
RT @SenWarren: When did @WhiteHouse know that Flynn lied? What other contacts with Russia occurred during the campaign? Who knew what? Who…
Stephen Miller’s authoritarian declaration: Trump’s national security actions ‘will not be questioned’ t.co/o0WpyTUEV…
RT @SethMacFarlane: Come the fuck on t.co/YAB16va96…
A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone t.co/HHPvj5cz3…
The Other Bombshell in Flynn Story: Contacts during the campaign and Russian hacking t.co/lROPBfmf0…
About me
Hello! It’s me, Chris DeLuca, from the title of this website. I am a writer, software developer, and comedian living in New York. I work at Lullabot, and I’m involved in improv comedy at … Read more
Was You Ever Bit By A Dead Bee? t.co/Emmtfjz8s…
Barney Frank: Here’s how to successfully lobby your congressperson t.co/WzLKM0oxd…
RT @OwensDamien: What we’re expected to believe:
Donald: How’s business?
Donald Jr: I can’t discuss it, Mr President.
Donald: That was a t…
My practical guide to Internet Security for the uninitiated. Again, thanks to @AniaStypul for the art! t.co/KY2wGYsI6… t.co/rOUycK0kB…
RT @GeorgeTakei: An important development. Stay on him, Democrats. Stay on him. t.co/yC2TyYmxs…
Practical Internet Security
Welcome internet traveler, you’ve found your way to my guide on how to improve your online security. Already feel confident in your security abilities? Then get lost! I don’t need that … Read more
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Security vs Privacy on the Internet
Update: The next article in this series is now published. Confused about what privacy versus security means in the context of the internet? Haven’t heard these terms before, but are intrigued … Read more
How Trump Plans to Slow Our Internet to a Crawl – DCReport t.co/RsdpmYK2l…
RT @climagic: In a world of computing choices that are made for us, open source software allows us to be ourselves.
What Trump Did Today t.co/295eFP14Y…
Yes to all of this! t.co/1g2GDU4CX…
RT @ActualEPAFacts: Shame on you @SenJohnThune. Betsy DeVos is wholly unqualified. #resist #retweet
How an obscure oriental cult converted a vast, pagan Roman empire – Michael Kulikowski | Aeon Essays t.co/LnQSaRAZt…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
@getify Do you recommend using fetch + asynquence for network requests, or some other method?
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>