I’m on the bus to NJ for five minutes and I’ve already been misted with a cracked Coors. Home sweet home.: https://www.chrisdeluca.me/note/1572005314/
Also posted to: https://mastodon.social/@bronzehedwick/103024460732009410
I’m on the bus to NJ for five minutes and I’ve already been misted with a cracked Coors. Home sweet home.: https://www.chrisdeluca.me/note/1572005314/
Also posted to: https://mastodon.social/@bronzehedwick/103024460732009410
I’m on the bus to NJ for five minutes and I’ve already been misted with a cracked Coors. Home sweet home.
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Finished reading: Be Cool by Elmore Leonard. It took me 18 days. While the prose is energetic and engaging, I kept finding myself not giving a shit about what happens next. A lot of boomer fantasies … Read more
The phrase, “Sick as a dog,” refers to lynconthropy. The more you know. 🌈
Are there enough hummus flavors? Maybe one day we’ll know…
I just saw North by Northwest for the first time. We watched most of the movie two nights ago, then finished it the next day, making the ending even more abrupt. 🍿
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If a lumberjack saws wood, and Jack Nicholson is wide awake, does a slumberjack saw wood?
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We in the bald community are honest (admitted: we have no hair), so what made us fully shave our heads; trying to copy Vin Diesel or trying to avoid Rudy Giuliani?
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Lifehack: Next time someone starts a sentence with, “Be honest…” cut them off with, “No.”
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I have half a huge pumpkin in my freezer. Should I:
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The world ever get you down? Try getting the world down. Always works. #sarcasm
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🍿 I saw On The Waterfront for the first time the other day. Spoiler alert: it’s good. Also, set in Hoboken! Still, I was surprised how much of the plot revolved around re-routed PATH trains.
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“There is nothing more useful than an idiot."—Dirtbags
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Had a great time at #brooklynjs last night. It’s been a while, but always well worth the trip. @Brooklyn_Js
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I’m performing in a short comedic play about new urban legends, called S.O.R.E. Come out Nov 7, 8, 9, 10 at the Tank. kutt.it/xTVMKo
I started tracking the books I read, finish, and abandon, along with any notes I take on them.
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Started reading: Learning Javascript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani.
“I think, therefor, I scram.” - #ScoobyDoo’s contribution to #philosophy.
Finished reading: The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by Addison Wesley. Took me 10 days. I wanted to get a basic grasp of C, but most of the resources listed … Read more
Started reading: The Actors Guide to Self Marketing by Carla Renata.
There is no better indicator that someone is dead, than seeing graffiti saying they’re alive.
Him: You’ve got a body like a brick house.
Her: You’ve got a body like a brick ingredient.
Black Sabbath is the trembling scream that watched the ’60s die.
Started reading: Be Cool by Elmore Leonard.
Finished reading: Fantasy Land: How America Went Haywire: A 500 Year History by Kurt Anderson. Took me 32 days.