Gleevec’s out
Good news! I got the first half of my test results back this Tuesday (the bone marrow test), and they show I have no blast cells in my marrow, which means I am still in chronic phase, and not … Read more
Good news! I got the first half of my test results back this Tuesday (the bone marrow test), and they show I have no blast cells in my marrow, which means I am still in chronic phase, and not … Read more
The warmest of hellos! Some of you may have heard about my experiences last night, but for those who haven’t, and those who haven’t heard enough, I give you this explanation. As I mentioned in my post … Read more
Big news! Finally, this blog ties into current political events, a major goal of mine for at least five minutes now. That issue is, as you may have surmised from the title, health insurance. This is a … Read more
Hello folks! So a more formal update is in order, I believe. So I get a call from the hospital the other day and get the full fatty (my new word for skinny) on my health at the moment. As I mentioned … Read more
Well folks, the big day has come and gone (please refer to my last post), and it turns out to have been a big anti-climax. First, I went to the podiatrist, and they DIDN’T operate on my toes, which I … Read more
Welcome back to a brand new post, after a much begrudged absence (at least I assume it was begrudged). Tomorrow, Monday August 17th, is, as the title of this post alluded to, a big day. The reason is … Read more
Salutations from the hinterlands! Well, the New Jersey suburbs, really. I apologize for the lag in posts, however not much of note has happened. That is, until now. So I had another CBC (which is a … Read more
Hey, it’s everybody’s favorite subject, bone marrow! I already told all the grisly bits in The Story So Far part 2, so today I can move on to the results, which I got only a couple of hours ago. I … Read more
Well hello folks, just a short post this time. It’s happened. I feel practically myself again. I’m free from pain, my energy is up, and my mind is limber. The only things different is that I don’t … Read more
Welcome back to part 2 of the Leukemia story! After this I’ll write about something else, I promise. If you missed part 1, I highly recommend checking it out, unless you like being confused. I arrived … Read more
Well, here it is, the only marginally abridged version of The Leukemia Story. Now, since I’ve written it here, I’ll only have to repeat it for the rest of my life. Here it is! I was diagnosed with CML … Read more