
jokes category

If Twin Peaks was turned into a Kaiju manga, the main villain would be gundam earl. I’ll show myself out.

What if lycanthropy effected other animals? “Watch out! That squirrel? During a full moon, it’ll be a weasel.”

Even if you could convince people, who would care?

After exhaustive research and countless hours over nights and weekends, I’ve compiled the authoritative demographic info on the audience for each vi derivative.

  1. Neovim: devs wanting a hackable IDE
  2. Vim: sysadmins who work primarily over remote terminals
  3. Vi: FreeBSD devs
  4. Ed: The criminally insane

I’m thankful for being alive, having wonderful people in my life, and for readily available antacid.

A fortune from a fortune cookie. It reads, "A special someone will enter your life in December."

Got this the other day. Is it…Santa?

The Boogeyman is just your dad when he dances.

Whenever you hear the phrase, “process of elimination” do you just want to shit?

Imagine a world where “bio break” meant, “I’ll be 5 minutes late to the meeting, I need to write my biography.”

In wrong industry acronym land, when I hear the phrase, “Post MVP”, it makes me think it’s after the player’s fallen off.

I’m pleading with the universe, for the love of of Christ, someone create a game called, “Funkboarder Jet-Thousand”

They may seem smart, but underneath it all computers are really dumb. You think your dog is dumb? Your computer wouldn’t know the first thing about licking its balls.

My family has no idea what any of my job titles mean. To them:

I’m 5’9” and weigh 120lbs soaking wet. Dry, I’m 5’2”.

The only thing we have to fear is FDR; his bites give you polio.

I have negative ass; when I sit down, people around me get more space.

You know when people say, “We can laugh about it now”? I had to learn not to laugh about it then.

Nothing makes you feel more like a tube then simultaneously being thirsty and having to pee.

Good cop: Tell us what you know, and we’ll get ice cream.

Bad cop: If you don’t talk, you’ll never eat ice cream again!

Weird cop: in clown suit I prefer sorbet.

First rule of over sharers anonymous—tell everyone.

Them: “Oh, you play in an Orchestra! That’s so cool”
Me: “Yeah, well, I play kazoo”
Them: “That’s still pretty cool”

New product idea: Glass Paper. It’s sand paper…from the future.

New website idea: Mustard seed Wikipedia, a Christian condiment reference, by the community.

New horror novel: Krampus Clamps a Close-pin, wherein the titular Christmas terror smells something bad. 800 pages, minimum.

Children’s book idea: Pimento Clementi Learns to Loofah, wherein the titular Pimento, a young, well-heeled boogie-boy, discovers exfoliation.

What do you call an anthropomorphic locomotive that loves Ska?
Thomas The Skank Engine 🥁