
reading category

I’m a collection of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Its enjoyable, but I’m also finding it hard to focus enough to follow the language all the time. It’s like only getting TV reception every other minute.

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Finished reading: The Road to React by Robin Wieruch. Took me over eight months. It was only meh.

I’m reading a Murakami story collection in an art gallery. Someone stops, mentions they read it, too. They move on, then come back. I didn’t get the one with the ghost. I try to relate, but confuse it with a different story. Maybe you haven’t read that one yet. Maybe I haven’t. It’s hard to hear through the masks. I say I have been letting the stories wash over me, feeling dumb. They are eager to leave. It all feels like a Murakami story.

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Finished reading: Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava.

Read the short story The Case for and Against Love Potions by Imbolo Mbue.

Finished reading: Heroes by Stephen Fry. Pure joy.

Started reading: Heroes by Stephen Fry.

Finished reading: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power by David Dayen. It took me around six months.

Finished reading: Letters From an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Took me over a month.

Finished reading: A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost. Read it in 27 days.

Started reading: The Road to React by Robin Wieruch.

Started reading: Letters From an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Started reading: A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost.

Finished reading: Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry.

Read: On Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese.

Started reading: Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry.

Read the short story Hansa and Gretyl and Piece of Shit by Rebecca Curtis.

Finished reading: Dungeon World Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel. It took me 11 days.

Started reading: Dungeon World Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel.

Started reading: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro.

Finished reading: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro.

Started reading: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power by David Dayen.

Read: Design Ethics by Mike Monteiro.

Read the short story The Sand Banks, 1861 by David Wright Faladé.

Read the short story Cicadia by David Gilbert.