
tech category

I want to start filming people doing normal things, and see if I can still blackmail them. #normalblackmail

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Galphaxor the mutilator is rising in your third house. Fortune smiles upon you. #astrologywishes

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Finding shit in a new code base

When a developer moves to a new company, one of the biggest transitions is adapting to the new code base. While most companies will be understanding of newcomers making their way into the rigorous … Read more

I find I get the most stressed when others around me are too. Herd mentality and all that. Still working on a……

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The Movie: 42. Yeah everyone should enjoy this one provided you’re still not fighting the Civil War. Harrison Ford does a good job with the Branch Rickey character. BTW Branch probably did as much for civil rights as anyone.

—John DeLuca

42 on TMDB

Originally posted on Tumblr.

Just saw iron man 3. Fun movie. And, spoilers, most expensive fireworks ever.

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Why Superman is still interesting on his 75th birthday

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A comparison of Angular, Backbone, CanJS and Ember - Sebastian’s Blog…

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Blink - QuirksBlog…

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Chromium Blog: Blink: A rendering engine for the Chromium project…

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I love Dropbox because It seamlessly integrates into the filesystem of every device and OS I use; it’s essential.

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Should you even bother reading an article on SEO if it’s not the top google result?

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Just posted a gist shortcut for editing gitignores #git #bash #zsh

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Still have power @ 9th ave in brooklyn, but looks like everyone else is out. #Sandy

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#obamawinning Romney still hasn’t laid out a real plan

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Ahh, the nineties still exists on the internet

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web design assault! The sweetest assualt ever…well, now I just thought of sweeteer ones, but it’s still really sweet

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@zachdonovan that’s frea♛ sweet dude! Monday still a go?

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@gemfire29 lol i know. and np man, you still get to make all the decisions. did i mention you have wild shape?

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I’m Leaving Facebook

Yep, I’m going to do it. Why? Well because I don’t feel comfortable with their privacy policies anymore. When I first joined back in the spring of 2004, facebook had a strict sense of user privacy. … Read more

Good God, #Drupal7 alpha 4 is amazing! Cannot wait for a stable release so I can upgraden start going out!!!

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Played #Borderlands until 2am with Pierre last night. That game is so fun, and very addictive.

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ASCII Star Wars

Folks, I have stumbled upon something so nerdy, so impressive, and so potentially useless that I had to share it. That thing is ASCII Star Wars. Let me explain. Someone has animated the movie Star … Read more