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Finally, a decentralized privacy-based social network! So long facebook, hello Diaspora: kck.st/9QC2zk
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I am cancer free! On the flip side, I’m back in the hospital for Graft vs Host of the liver.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
what is with all those spam “girls” who follow you, say they have sexy pictures, and misspell every word they type?
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Good God, #Drupal7 alpha 4 is amazing! Cannot wait for a stable release so I can upgraden start going out!!!
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Oh man, today’s Order of the Stick is hilarious www.giantitp.com/comics/oo…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Played #Borderlands until 2am with Pierre last night. That game is so fun, and very addictive.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Yay, bone marrow’s done! On the other hand I probably have GVHD and am getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. I’m also 67% Laura.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Crazy Russian anemic dude thought I was my father’s brother…I’m too young to be old!
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Folks, I have a PS3. It is quite awesome.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
@zachdonovan What kind of game is USX? I did a search for ASD Mk. II
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Check out my latest video! – Tom Brokaw sings the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Theme youtu.be/UTWQnZMQS…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
You know what? Fuck underwear.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Working on a cartoon of Tom Brokaw singing the ATHF theme song. forgot how tedious and time consuming it is to lip sync
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
@zachdonovan yeah man, if you need voice acting I can do it.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
RT @everydaycaitlin: RT @AnnCurry: “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -Abraham Lincoln
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Does anyone want to go to Lollapalooza this August? #Soundgarden #LadyGaga #GreenDay #EdwardSharpe etc.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
I never understood why “sad/brooding” equals “deep.” Just because someone’s depressed doesn’t mean they’re thinking something spectacular.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
@zachdonovan I’ve been dreaming of hamburgers #food gaming articles; so far this is my favorite bit.ly/9NS253
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Did a Google search for nun outfit and this is what came up New Sexy Adult Costume tinyurl.com/buytwit/p…
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
You do a lot of waiting on film sets. There is just tons of boring time, then a high spike of intense action, then nothing. It’s like combat
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
@zachdonovan first broccoli, and now supacool? it’s all too amazing. I’m going to name my kid lenny suckmyass deluca.
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
RT @feliciaday: I love you Ok Go: bit.ly/OMGokgo How many takes?! BE HONEST!
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
Hair update: Pits, out. Mustache, ever so slightly in. It’s like I’m 13 all over again!
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>
The the girl at the end of the Dulcolax commerical running on the Olympics is SO HAPPY she took a shit…her friends are too!ut cars?
Original post: <twitter.com/chrisjohn…>