Getting my ass whipped at Magic: The Gathering at friendly local draft. The game has changed a lot in twenty years (who’d have thought?). Lots of fun still.
Sitting on a New Jersey beach, which means it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite couple-spotting game: “Granddaughter or Mistress?”
From Eric Meyer.
Hey hey hey CSS Tricks is actually back!!
@geoff is going through updating the articles that need it and writing great new ones! Yessssssssss
Go check out @csstricks - find the new ones and scroll down past a few strange test posts to find lots of recent links to fabulous older articles that have been updated 🧡
Our apartment is in the sauce. 🌶️

As we all know, The Breeders kick ass. 🎵
The copyright takedown problem has large negative impacts on your favorite artists, and hence you, and gets worse I think because it’s abstract and legal and that’s always a safe haven for big corporate.
First time really listening to the lyrics to Jack & Diane.
Suckin’ on a chili dog outside the Tastee Freez.
Diane’s sittin’ on Jackie’s lap, he’s got his hands between her knees.
Jackie say, “Hey Diane, lets run off behind a shady tree.
Dribble off those Bobby Brooks slacks and do what I please”
I don’t know what’s more gross about this sex proposition, the one sided …do what I please
or getting handsy while sucking a chili dog. 🎵 🌭
The phrase “Cranberry Wizard” popped into my head. Fun band name, or urethra magician?
I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a nod to Benjamin Franklin I didn't come up with. I was very proud of this work at the time. It's all … Read more
Today is my second anniversary working for Lullabot. Joining the team is still one of the best decisions I’ve made. 😴🤖
Too much light makes the baby go blind, but too many blinds makes the window go dark. Think about it.
How different would rock n’ roll history be if The Ramones last name was “wiener”.
Targeting the ven diagram of magic the gathering players and people who want to know about local musicians.
Spotted on a Carrol Gardens lamp post.

Maybe the most beige thing I’ve ever cooked. Stir fry a la Utz.

It’s roof movie season.

It always tickles me whenever I see someone smoking while riding a bike.
In addition to my blog turning 15 years old this month, I noticed that I’ve had my profile for even longer. My connection with Drupal has only grown with time. 💧
Silence-d no More
I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a nod to Benjamin Franklin I didn't come up with. I was very proud of this work at the time. It's all … Read more
There’s something about seeing a loose VHS on the ground that makes me want to take a shower.

I started playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night again, and I’m getting my ass kicked. I don’t remember losing this much this quickly my first time around, but that was years ago, so maybe I’ve forgotten it all. 🕹️
Today is my 38th birthday. Feeling a lot of gratitude.
TIL about the CSS cap
unit, which is equal to the current font’s capital letter height.

I celebrated my birthday at the beach this year. My friends surprised me with matching temporary tattoos of my face, along with a towel also of my face. Silly, dumb fun. 🎂
Bagheera is a sleepy psychedelic kitty 🐈⬛

It took me a while to figure out why LSP was reporting describe
was not a valid method of string
const id = label.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '-').
describe('DisabledField', () => {