Beautiful day at the hunters point ferry landing. ⛴️

The New York city skyline over the water. There’s a big white serrated roof above the outdoor space. It’s a dock. There’s umbrellas. People kind of around.
A black and white cat standing on a couch with mouth open, clearly howling.

I cat sit for my friend the past week. This is Leia, she’s real old, real sleepy, and her meows are yowl-screams that sound like a grown man. 🐈‍⬛

I biked from Bed Stuy to Astoria yesterday. It took about an hour, over mostly protected bike lanes. I’m still sore. 🚴🏻‍♂️

Listen, our monthly Cat’s Cradle improv show is going to be sick. Come on out if you can. The funniest way to spend your evening, or your grumpiness back.

I was randomly thinking about 3 Doors Down today, specifically this line from Kryptonite.

If I go crazy will you still call me Superman.

That means the singer’s SO calls them Superman as a pet name.

There’s no way that isn’t sarcastic.

“Hey babe, do you have any Tylenol?”
“Sure thing, Superman.”

Improv comedy featuring Cat's Cradle Friday May 3 9:30pm at the players theatre. Tickets at

Fun web toy from McSweeney’s: Millennial CAPCHA.

Read the word “vituperation” today and was flummoxed. Turns out it means, “bitter and abusive language.” The more you know 🌈

I saw Paul F. Tompkin’s Variatopia last night at the Bell House with friends. Really fun show. Lighter on stand up, and a surprising amount of eclectic music.

God help me, my daily text editor/IDE is Neovim, but I started using Emacs as an orgmode only app. I was using a limited orgmode in Neovim before, so who knows which is more of a lift.

TIL that the Friday the 13th Part 3 theme is a bop.

Astoria on a clear sunny day.

Residential brick two and three story buildings with a wide street running h through the foreground. Taken from a high angle. A bright blue sky takes up most of the top of the image.

My friend Ania made a website that gives you a pep talk.

TIL that the tabindex attribute must not be specified on a dialog element. The more you know. 🌈

From Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon’s piece on rewilding the internet.

The clear-felled forests were replanted, ready to extend the boom…It was a disaster so bad that a new word, Waldsterben, or “forest death,” was minted to describe the result.

Worth a read.

My friend Ania sent me this photo, reminding me that this happened, and this will never not have happened.

Me, a bald white man a few years ago with a stubbly beard and glasses, slouched in a chair with one hand raised like I'm going to shake the air's hand. I'm wearing a tight white tank sleeveless undershirt. The room behind me is messy. A large black cat sits in front of me. In front of the cat is a Pathfinder roleplaying GM screen.
A majestic city skyline stands against a turbulent sky. Dark, ominous clouds loom over the silhouetted buildings, casting an eerie glow reflected in the calm waters below. The contrast between the dark clouds and the cityscape evokes a sense of awe and mystery. 🌆🌧️

Astoria is blooming.

A brownstone lined street in Astoria, Queens on a bright, cloudless day. Pink cherry blossom trees are in full bloom, casting dramatic shadows.

Let it be known that there is a well cared for cat colony on Roosevelt Island.

A cat enclosure surrounded by a fence that the cats can absolutely get past. There's trees and wood chips on the ground, and a little cat house that's just for them. There's some geese laying around too, and cats hanging out inside the house and on the roof. A large tabby cat sitting on wood chips near trees inside a fenced enclosure. The cats can get under the fence.

Some inexplicable graffiti on Roosevelt Island. I don’t know what it means and I love it.

Graffiti on the side of a pier that looks like a postcard. Most of the text is intentionally illegible, but to phrases are clear: "Dear mom" and "I'm done!"

There’s a kid on the bus with no shirt, a giant backpack with a tennis racket sticking out, and a mushroom haircut.

I spent Saturday on Roosevelt Island with friends, peeping the Cherry Blossoms and other sights. We circumnavigated the entire island, and indulged in many dumb bits. Highly recommend.

Cherry blossom trees in vibrant bloom, dark pink, on the inside of a highway ramp. The Roosevelt Island lighthouse in the distance, with the path to it stretching in the foreground, against a stormy sky. Sculptures of Nellie Bly and reflective sphreres dot the path.

A cartoonish sculture just above the surface of the water. It's a coin with arms and legs, being dragged down by a little figure with the cash symbol for a face, coming out of a crotesque mouth. The mouth is mostly submerged in the water.A sculpture of two large red letters, "RI", against a large bridge. The letters stand for Roosevelt Island.

Happy Tax Day, or as I call it, Tax Day.

Spotted on the subway: a man with a lipstick mark tattooed on his neck.

I heard Wesley Willis’ Rock n’ Roll McDonalds in an upscale coffee shop today. I don’t know what it means, but it feels significant.