Started reading: You Deserve a Tech Union by Ethan Marcotte 📚
I’ve just been introduced to Municipal Waste. They whip. 🎸🤘
Finished reading: The Last Colony by John Scalzi 📚
I was really into Disney’s Sword in the Stone as a kid. I didn’t relate to the child Arthur, I wanted to be Merlin. This says a lot.

I visited my friends Jon and Brynn over the last weekend, and was given two incredible gifts: a lush Pothos, and the Batman Forever audio cassette board game.

Robin Rendle quotes an interesting passage on developing taste.
These are real. Found in a New England flea market.

Had a fun time packaging vinyl for my friend Jon Solari’s record label. There’s something meditative about repetitive work.

I added a page to my blog that lists only long form posts, not short little bloops like this.…
Spotted outside a coffee shop in New Bedford Massachusetts.

The Tremble
I'm semi-regularly posting my old stories. Here's a serious flash-fiction piece I wrote in 2020. Misses Marble Crumble sat looking at her fingers, wondering which one would betray her next. They held … Read more
My friend Ania said I was the patron saint of weird websites, and I’ve never been more honored.
My wonderful colleague Kat Shaw is featured in The Drop Time’s article on celebrating women in Drupal. The profile is accurate! I feel lucky to work with her.
I found my friend’s 16mm student film I was in when I was around 17. Remember being a teenager and trying to be deep? This is that but filmed. Radiohead soundtrack. Smoking. Slow motion. Sepia. Falling. A gun. It’s all here.

MJ took incredible photos of our Cat’s Cradle improv show last week. Give them a follow if you’re on Instagram!

Getting cozy at Kinship on a rainy day. Related: show me harmful coconut water.

My Personal Ghost Story
A while ago, I was asked if I believed in ghosts. To illustrate, I told a story. Many years ago, I lived with my good friend Dave. Roxy, his girlfriend at the time, was into mysticism and hauntings … Read more
Overheard in Washington square park:
“I love Obama.”
“What? Obama can sink a three!”
Overheard in the east village: “I’ll tell you one thing, this is a lot more fun than playing with my hemorrhoids.”
I haven’t been spending as much time writing as I’d like. Lots I want to craft, and that doesn’t happen if I don’t do it.
What percent cacao do people want in their chocolate bars? Real answers only. 🍫
New Brother’s Grimm character: Rumpled Stiltskin. If you guess his name, he looses the bet and not only do you get to keep your baby, he has to iron it’s clothes.
The Cat’s Cradle Ensemble’s monthly residency continues at the Player’s Theatre! Come on out if you’re in NYC. March 29th, get your tickets.

I improvised a yogurt curry chicken last night. Came out pretty good!
I added blog recommendations to the bottom of my site’s sidebar. Reviving the blogroll.