I grew up in New Jersey, but I was today days old when I saw the town of Sea Girt in print. Only having heard it, I would have sworn it was spelled similar to singer Bob Seeger, with a “t” at the end.

Kindness will make you do things that’s bad for business but great for customers that will eventually make it great for your business again.


That second principle though, coolness, is much harder to quantify…It’s about pushing back against visual trends and product trends and common patterns. But I think it’s about how a team is structured and avoiding the easy way out of problems.

From Robin Rendle design blog.

I’m cat sitting my old cat Rocco starting today for 10 days in Jersey. Will be fun. The snacks will flow like water.

I had an enchanted evening last night. Who knew staring at chips could be so spellbinding.

I saw the 30th anniversary Kaiju Big Battel show last night. Where else can you see a cross between a bear and a hamburger body slam a mutant lobster?

Fandom levels

I would drive hours sight unseen to hear a band called, “Floppy Peter and the Mush.”

I’m pleading with the universe, for the love of of Christ, someone create a game called, “Funkboarder Jet-Thousand”

They may seem smart, but underneath it all computers are really dumb. You think your dog is dumb? Your computer wouldn’t know the first thing about licking its balls.

My family has no idea what any of my job titles mean. To them:

A fascinating history of the espionage act through the lens of leaking in general and Julian Assange specifically.

I’m 5’9” and weigh 120lbs soaking wet. Dry, I’m 5’2”.

The only thing we have to fear is FDR; his bites give you polio.

Any Technology Indistinguishable From Magic is Hiding Something is a wonderfully written take on the corporate capture of the internet, by Jason Velasquez. After reading, spend a little time clicking around his site. It’s compelling and personal and old web weird.

God help me, I’m reading old journals. On May 9th 2020, I wrote:

I had a dream where I was in the back seat of a car driven by Andrew Cuomo. He kept farting and blaming other people.


I watched half of the Red Hot Cheetos movie the other night. It is not good, but I was entertained, but I shut it off. Make of that what you will. 🍿

Every month or so, I pull a pockets worth of lint from my phones charging plug. Looking at the pile, it’s wild that the thing had charged at all.

Been listening to a lot of Rush recently. They are:

  1. Great
  2. Objectively embarrassing

Listening to Tribe Called Quest on vinyl while making spaghetti. It’s a good night.

You know what’s cool? Me neither.

Added links to social media and various ways to subscribe to my blog.

“…progress is never straightforward: there’s baby steps and then one day you notice enormous baby thuds…”

Correct. From Robin Rendle

If the games you’re playing are too normal, let the Weird Fucking Games help.

Dan Hon’s DONOTREPLY.CARDS have a permanent home. Use them to get ahead of dicks on social.

Had a great show. Thanks to everyone who came out. We have a residency: next one is March 29th. Be there or be sad.