A friend unearthed an old computer with an even older photo of me on it. I must have been 16 or 17. I’ve got horror movie eyes and shampoo commercial hair.

A old company tower computer with a Sony crt monitor showing an ancient version of windows. A photo of yours truly, a white man, is on display. I’m about 17 years old, clean shaven, with long flowing brown hair. I’m spreading my arms with wide eyes staring into camera.

Started reading: Old Man’s War by John Scalzi πŸ“š

I’ve been enjoying reading Apple Rankings by The Appleist Brian Frange - Comedian Brian Frange. The best is the lowest ranked apples. Check out Apple Hell.

Some friends told me about the book Natural Harvest (subtitle omitted), which was a cook book given as a joke at a years-prior white elephant gift exchange. It seems like it is a serious recipe book. I’ll let you click through for details, but, like, wow.

I was made aware of the Clearly Impossible Puzzle today. Every piece is clear, they’re all reversible, and there’s false edge pieces. This is maybe the most hardcore thing.

A photo of a completed 200 piece puzzle, about 8 inches by 10 inches. All pieces are transparent. There is masking tape on the back to hold everything together. It lies on a patterned table cloth.

Just had Zyara for lunch and as always it is too good.

Finished reading: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut πŸ“š

Remembering the time I eat edible underwear. They tasted like candy. Sorry, candy wrapper. Most troublingly, I can’t remember why I ate it.

There’s Magic: The Gathering players around, and I’m resisting the call. Must. Not. Fall. Back. Into. Another. Expensive. Hobby.

Had a lovely visit to Houston. Sad to leave my buds behind but glad to be back in New York. It’s cold tho.

Passed a shop in Houston with the motto: β€œsmoke, vape, hookah, wellness”

I went to a Die Hard watch party the other night with mostly folks I didn’t Know in Houston. One person out of maybe twelve hadn’t seen it. Very fun time. 🍿

Storms rolling in out in Houston.

Cloudy sky over sparse trees and a wooden fence

I spent several hours at Cidercade in Houston yesterday. Lots of fun playing The Simpsons, Time Crisis 2, and Mario Kart DX, among others.

I learned today the best selling “For Dummies” book is Windows for Dummies. I don’t know how that compares to Acne for Dummies, which, good God, is real.

A while back my dad would text me movie reviews, and I would publish them to Tumblr. I’ve re-collected them here on my blog. They are…well, just read for yourself.


I accidentally triggered my friend’s automatic garbage can to open, and I reflexively apologized to it. “Oh, sorry, I don’t need the garbage, my bad.”

I’m in Houston, spending time with my friends and their small daughter. It’s really nice. And warm.

Nothing makes you feel more like a tube then simultaneously being thirsty and having to pee.

I’m here watching a Steely Dan cover band and thoroughly enjoying myself. I have definitively entered my childless dad phase.

Started reading: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut πŸ“š

Finished reading: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia πŸ“š

The guy sitting next to me in the emergency exit row on the plane is reading a book on game theory. Doesn’t inspire the most confidence.

Caught a nice view in Harlem.

Photo of a sunset through a window with a potted plant in the foreground.

Media diet - November 2023

As December rolls in, I’ve been spending some time reflecting. There’s a lot on my mind, but for now, here’s the media I’ve been experiencing over November. Movies Killers of … Read more