Friends showed me Rebecca Black sung by Bob Dylan. It is Friday, after all. ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ’‹

Did anyone else play Gorillas back in the day? Still holds up.

You ever get a random song stuck in your head, apropos of nothing? Today it’s Come Sail Away (with meeeeee lads).

I’ve been really addicted to Suika. It’s a falling fruit, physics-based puzzler, and I can’t stop playing.

Here’s my contribution to the โ€œwhat apps am I using?โ€ posts.

Industrial metal is synth pop with a lip ring.

I made a black and white version of a shot my cousin took in LA.

Black and white photo of a rocky cliff with a pale moon in the daytime sky

Corey Doctorow on tech antitrust.

It’s possible to have a good internet run by flawed people. But to get that new, good internet, we have to support technologists of good will and character by terrorizing their venal and cynical colleagues by hitting them where they live: in their paychecks.

Capitalists hate capitalism, but we knoww how to fix it, since we used to live in that world. Regulate to increase competition.

I saw No Hard Feelings last night. Fun, formulaic, funny moments, and as always Jennifer Lawrence is endlessly charming. ๐Ÿฟ

You know you’re rich when you use the phrase, “coin of the realm” in casual conversation.

NEDCamp is great, as always.

The view from Lincoln Park, Jersey City.

A moody black and white photo. A pond in the foreground, trees, a grandstand, and a metal suspension bridge behind.

I wrote a blog post for Lullabot on Useful git configurations you may have missed.

I don’t have a permanent home right now, and sometimes people ask me where I am. So, I setup a page that (roughly) shows where I’m currently staying. Good idea? Bad idea? Maybe both, but here it is.…

Bluetooth? Its development is so arrested, it’s more like Bluthtooth. I’ll show myself out.

This is awesome.

This is a fantastically useful (and beautiful) mouse-interactive exploration of CSS blend modes and ways you can use them for artistic effects. I have to try redoing some of these using background layers on single elements.

A screenshot from the linked site.  It shows 16 copies of a detail from Hokusaiโ€™s woodblock print โ€œThe Great Wave off Kanagawaโ€, arranged into a 4x4 grid.  Each copy has a red vertical stripe covering a portion of its right side, but in each a different pixel blend mode is used to combine the red strip and the detail.

Today I learned that Iโ€™m old enough to be dumb.

Leaded fuel reduced the IQ of everyone born before 1990 by ~4.25%.

The whole article is an interesting take on generations. Vibe shifts in the Upper Anthropocene (Interconnected)

You know someone’s rich when they use the phrase “coin of the realm” in casual conversation.

From Sannie Lee, writing about the value of a liberal arts education in tech.

Whether it was a history or literature class, one common thread across all my courses was thinking critically. Looking at historical events or understanding the meaning in a novel, I learned not to take things at face value.

As a “technical” tech worker, I couldn’t agree more. I credit a lot of my “how to think” skills with my liberal arts education, and think it provides perhaps a not immediately obvious, yet altogether invaluable, benefit.

Read her full article

Finished reading: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson ๐Ÿ“š

No one low boils insanity like Shirley Jackson.

The view from Astoria, NYC.

New York City skyline at night, sepia almost, with rippling water in the foreground and the shadow of a raised dock apparatus.

Cluck Fluckman has entered the consciousness.

A line drawing of an oddly shaped chicken in profile, using bright, primary colors, one visible eye pointed up.

You know what’s cool? Map(). More invaluable technical insights all the time subscribe.

My friend Jon Solari kept surprising me with bright flash photography.

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The camera is an old black and white film job, so no filters here.

I tried to sneak a selfie Jon would find later, but didn’t know how to work the camera, and ended up with a double exposure. Pretty cool.


Heather Buchel’s post on why men ruined web design is spot on. The gendered split between “design” and “development” is bad for people, and bad for the eventual product. Our titles reflect the shift. I used to be a “Technical Artist”. Now, I’m a “Front End Developer”.