Cat hat. 🎩 🐈‍⬛

Me, a bald white guy with glasses and a big ass beard, sitting in a chair. There’s a black cat, superbass, sitting on the back of the chair, and it kind of looks like I’m wearing her as a hat. Kind of.

Cat’s have finely tuned senses. They know exactly when you’re almost out of a meeting, and have to pee real bad. This is when they dance on your bladder. 🐱

Finished reading: Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult by Maria Bamford 📚Listen to the audio book, read by the author. Absolutely fantastic.

Currently listening to a DJ set on of Soviet funk from the 60s and 70s. Sometimes YouTube comes through. 🎵

I’m editing the final episode of Pursuit of Perfectness, and amidst all the bitter sweet emotions, all I keep hearing in my head is Scott Aukerman saying, “The world’s first dingless podcast.” Not relevant, and not something I heard recently. A real mental barnacle.

Went to the Museum of the Moving Image with my friend Lindsay yesterday, and got to meet a lovely new person, Janice, through the Open Streets. We got Susuru Ramen. A+, no notes.

Auto-generated description: A calico cat is lounging comfortably, gazing at the camera and stretching out one paw.

Kitty cuddle season continues. 🐱

A well written, interesting article from Emily Gorcenski arguing that conceiving of the truth as a process instead of a fixed point is anti-fascist. You’ll need to read to the end to see the whole arc.

…the American right cannot be engaged as an intellectual exercise. They are not opponents in a game of chess playing by accepted rules. They are seeking to define the colors of the squares and the rules by which the pieces move. While you’re playing the board, they’re playing the rulebook.

Galaxy of Terror, 1981

There’s terror spilling over the brim of this galaxy. Alien meets Jacob’s ladder. Pre Freddy Kruger Robert Englund fights himself. The mom from twin peaks is a crazed captain. A man says in all … Read more

Great list. 2025: Keep democracy alive. FrameLab New Year’s resolutions

Authoritarians want you to feel powerless because it makes their work easier. Courage, faith, and optimism are essential. Fascism feeds on cynicism and pessimism. Starve it.

The Menu, 2022 - ★★★½

What a bunch of silly gooses. Read more

I’m running an in person workshop to help empower folks to better understand the internet by building it. If you live in the NYC metro area, I’d love to see you at You Own the Internet.

Started reading: Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult by Maria Bamford 📚

Year in books for 2024

A very light reading year for me, at least for books. Something I’d like to improve on in 3025. Here are the books I finished reading in 2024. Read more

Sitting around listening to records and reading. I can’t think of a better way to spend New Year’s Day.

A treasure trove of works just entered the public domain. Can’t wait to see what artists do with it.

Happy new year everyone. Deep breath.

Silent Night, Deadly Night, 1984

Proof that horror movies were about trauma before 2010. Also Santa will kick your fucking ass. Read more

Nosferatu, 2024

Come for the sumptuous dark visuals, stay for the blood drinking sounds. Read more

Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 2022

Gotta go faster. Read more

Sonic the Hedgehog, 2020

Gotta go fast. Read more

Babygirl, 2024

…but is it, tho? Read more

I made some updates to my /uses page. Anyone else use uses pages to get inspired on what to use?

My CLI wrapped most used commands.

  1. 3732 git
  2. 1471 ls
  3. 1289 rg
  4. 856 ddev
  5. 745 nvim
  6. 546 mv
  7. 534 cd
  8. 510 rm
  9. 477 yarn
  10. 453 cat

Generated with history | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq --count | sort --numeric-sort --reverse | head -10.

After exhaustive research and countless hours over nights and weekends, I’ve compiled the authoritative demographic info on the audience for each vi derivative.

  1. Neovim: devs wanting a hackable IDE
  2. Vim: sysadmins who work primarily over remote terminals
  3. Vi: FreeBSD devs
  4. Ed: The criminally insane